This book is a first-person account of one man’s spiritual journey from the depths of an evil heart to one of great redemption. While it does not qualify as great literary writing, the agony of spirit that Michael Leehan experienced is fully described.
The book was somewhat of a difficult read because it took over 200 pages to discuss the darkness in his life, and about 25 pages were devoted to the conversion. It just seemed a little out of balance for me. The book was a clear illustration of what can happen when someone rejects the grace of God. While Mike did encounter many disappointments as a child, I’ve heard far worse stories of abuse, neglect, and rejection. Others were able to accept the grace of God to overcome those challenges much sooner.
I rejoice that Mike did eventually respond to the gospel and I sincerely pray that the last half of his life is not only productive for God, but with a heart of joy. Many do need to have this kind of hope instilled in them if they have struggled with addictions and obsessions. Satan’s grip might be difficult to break, but God always can and will if we allow Him to do so.