Monday, July 25, 2011

Don't Leave Your Brain

As a long-term apologist, Josh McDowell has established himself as an advocate of truth, especially written for teens and young adults.  His latest book, Don't Check Your Brains At the Door, is a forthright challenge to those who think Christianity is a religion for non-thinkers.  He presents the issues in small snippets, which makes for a quick read. He equips the reader with ready answers to those who might put forth one of the myths.  With 38 chapters it is not exhaustive, but he covers the gamut of the philosophies which are promulgated in society, particularly the government or secular schools.

The book is a little reminiscent of J B Phillips book, Your God is Too Small.  Having a correct view of God is tantamount to developing a whole relationship with Him, and others.  While this is not a be-all end-all book, it does serve as a primer to guide young minds into the correct avenues of thinking. 

When we are asked “Who is the smartest man who ever lived?” seldom do we receive the answer:  Jesus.  But Jesus is the greatest intellectual that ever lived.  Believing in God, Jesus, creation, the Bible, and other cardinal truths requires faith, but the end of true learning and life experience, will only confirm out faith!

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